托福聽力測驗 教育學(Pedagogy)相關單字(3)
1) draft (N.) 草稿;草案;草圖;匯票;冷空氣
2) speech (N.) 說話(能力);說話方式;演說;口語;台詞
3) presentation (N.) 演講,陳述
4) contact (N./ V.) (尤指經常通過交談、書信的)聯繫;接觸;觸摸;(尤指身居高位,能提供有用資訊或引見的)熟人
5) intonation (N.) 音準;語調
6) mid-term exam 期中考
7) final exams = finals 期末考
8) cumulative (Adj.) 累積的
9) subjective (Adj.) 主觀的
10) objective (N./ Adj.)目的;客觀性
11) pop quiz 隨堂測驗、突擊測驗
12) assessment (N.) 評估;估價 ( the act of judging or deciding the amount,value, quality, or importance of something, or thejudgment or decision that is made )
13) appraisal (N.) 評價;估價;鑑定 ( the act of examining someone or something in orderto judge their qualities, success, or needs )
14) make up for sth 補償
15) resit (V.) 重考;補考 ( to take an exam again )
16) retake (V.) 補考;重新參加考試 ( to take an exam again because you failed it the firsttime )
17) grade (N./ V.) 等級;分數;年級;坡度
18) mark (N./ V.) 痕跡;特徵;記號;符號;分數;成績;指標
19) score (N.) (比賽中的)得分;總譜;配樂;二十
(V.) 得分;成功;記分;獲得;刻痕於;為..配樂(為...寫總譜)
20) diploma (N.) 學位證書;大學文憑( a document given by a college or university to show that you have passed a particular exam orfinished your studies )
21) degree (N.) 數量;程度;度數;課程;學位( a course of study at a college or university, or the qualification given to a student after he or she has completed his or her studies )
22) certificate (N.) 證書;證明 ( an official document that states that theinformation on it is true )