Independent Weiting: Is it better to enjoy your money when you earn it or is it better to save your money for some time in the future? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
範文 1 :
"Save it for rainy day," That's my motto. When I have a choice between spending my money or putting it in my savings account at the bank, I always put it in the bank. I will have a lot of expenses in the future like my education, travel, and unforeseen emergencies. I need to have money set aside for these expenses.
Education is expensive. I can't depend on my parents to pay all my bills. I have tuition, room and board, books, and incidental expenses to pay for. I'll try to get a scholarship to cover some of these costs, but I know I will be responsible for a lot of the expenses. If I spend my money now, I won't be able to pay for my education. I need to save money for my education.
Travel is also very expensive. I don't mean vacation travel. I mean travel to get to and from school. Transpacific airfare costs a lot even special reduced fares. I first have to get to school and then, of course, I want to return to my family for important festivals and occasions. Going back and forth will be costly, but worth it. I need to save money for these trips.
Emergencies could arrive at any moment. I might have an unexpected illness while I am at school. There might be costs that aren't covered by the school insurance. One of my family members may need help. I will have to send them money. You can't predict emergencies like this, but you can be prepared. I need to save money for these emergencies.
When you are not rich, you cannot spend your money carelessly. You must plan ahead. I know in my life, I will have expenses for my schooling and for traveling to and from my home. I know that I will also have unexpected expenses related to unforeseen emergencies. I must be prepared. I need to save money for these events.
範文 2:
Some people say that it is better to enjoy your money assoon as you earn it while others prefer to save the money for later. It's adifficult choice faced by lots of people because of the different attitudesthey hold towards money. As far as I am concerned, I vote for the formerchoice, which is that it is better for one to enjoy his or her money as soon asit is earned. Spending money as soon as possible is my preference because of threereasons as follows.
First, we can observe easily in the modern society thatthe dominant philosophy nowadays is 'enjoy your life when you are still young'.Most young adults like to work for a period of time and then go on for a tripto visit some places they have never been to. Those trips not only help them tokeep in shape but also provides them different kinds of knowledge and newperspective in looking at their environment. Other people spend the money fortheir leisure, which helps them to relax and go back to work with enoughenergy.
In the old days, it is said that people who save money ina bank understand the philosophy of thrift. Actually, economists say that inthe modern world saving money in a bank is the quickest way to lose it.Moreover, none of the rich people became rich by getting interests from thebank. Living in a constantly changing world, we should adjust ourselves toaccept the new ways of investing our money to different areas in order to getthe most of it. That is probably the reason why most of the people nowadays puttheir money into business to get a better payback.
The third obvious reason why I prefer spending money ratherthan saving them is that it is part of the contribution for the economic growthin our country. If nobody has the needs to buy stuff from others and themarket, nobody will think about how to produce useful products and sell them tomake the most profits. Some countries continue to lower the interests in orderto force people to spend their money and therefore benefit the society as wellas the people themselves. In this broad view, I prefer spending money ratherthan saving them.
In conclusion, I prefer spending money because itbenefits ourselves as well as people around us. It's also important for kids toknow how to save money as a sense of thrift. Nevertheless, spending money isstill the best way to make our lives enjoyable and worthwhile.