
托福推薦書籍 - 測驗書籍(1)



  Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL iBT Test  (ISBN:9780133248128 )


Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL iBT Test.bmp


書本內容(這本書我覺得非常好用,因為它不僅將內容依據聽說讀寫區分,而且會非常詳盡介紹出題方向與考試技巧, 所以也是教托福老師的愛用書,另外就是書本內容基本上會將考試畫面呈現在書頁中,所以對於考試成線的電腦畫面會有一定的熟悉,而且還提供免費線上資源:可下載MP3聽力音檔、習題解答、及教師資源,包括教案和課堂活動 。)


New to the Third Edition:

‧ New guidelines and strategies for note-taking.

‧ New tips and hints throughout the practice sections.

‧ Free Downloadable audio program and teacher’s materials, including lesson plans and classroom activities.


‧ Updated material for all the new types of test passages and questions.

‧ Diagnostic pre-tests and post-tests that allow students to identify strengths and weaknesses and assess improvement in each section.

‧ Practice sections for the four skills:

‧ Reading provides practice exercises in the new test formats, including filling in a table or chart and paraphrasing.

‧Listening provides authentic conversations in an academic setting and academic lectures with new questions about a speaker’s attitude or purpose.

‧ Speaking includes personal and expository tasks and integrated tasks with questions reflecting the latest test format.

‧ Writing consists of expository and integrated tasks: reading/listening/writing

‧ Eight Mini-Tests that preview the test’s integrated four-skills format.

‧ Two complete Practice Tests that familiarize students with the actual test format, including length and level of difficulty.

MyEnglishLab for the TOEFL iBT Test:

‧ Access to MyEnglishLab: TOEFL: the easy-to-use online learning program, with extensive additional practice activities, pre- and post-tests, and three full-length tests.














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