
托福口說測驗 Task3例題 (5)   

這篇托福口說內容是關於有學生建議給予化學系的優秀學生獎學金的問題,聽力部分而言兩位對話者持正反意見,但主要還是以反對意見的男學生為整個談話關鍵與主軸,所以這題解題關鍵有二,就是要分清楚聽力部分兩位對話者意見到底為何? 而談話的結論又是為何?


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Scholarship for top students in chemistry department


A student has written a proposal to suggest it is necessary for the school to give scholarship to top students in chemistry department. This could act as a way to motivate students to work harder. As well as that, there is an amount of 100,000 RMB in this department which could be available.




Women : It is so great if the school could give some scholarship to top students of chemistry department.


Man : So where could the school get the money?


Women : By using the money in the department, about 100,000.


Man : I don’t think it is necessary. Don’t you think it is enough to just give certificates. Besides, it could be helpful to graduate school or job application.


Women : But it could be more encouraging if there is some money as prizes.


Man : I guess the amount of money could be used to buy some new lab facilities which could benefit all the students.


Women : Oh, that’s right. It could make sense.



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The men expresses his opinion about the scholarship for students in chemistry department. State his opinion and explain the reasons he gives for holding that opinion.

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