托福聽力測驗 -真題 (2-1)
( Man ) Community service is an important component of education here at our university. We encourage all students to volunteer for at least one community activity before they graduate. A new community program called "One On One" helps elementary students who've fallen behind .You education majors might be especially interested in because it offers the opportunity to do some teaching -that is, tutoring in math and English. You'd have to volunteer two hours a week for one semester. You can choose to help a child with math, English, or both. Half-hour lessons are fine, so you could do a half hour of each subject two days a week. Professor Dodge will act as a mentor to the tutors-he'll be available to help you with lesson plans or to offer suggestions for activities. He has office hours every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon. You can sign up for the program with him and begin the tutoring next week. I'm sure you'll enjoy this community service... and you'll gain valuable experience at the same time. It looks good on your resume, too-showing that you've had experience with children and that you care about your community. If you'd like to sign up, or if you have any questions, stop by Profession Dodge's office this week.
1) Community service 社區服務
2) component (N./Adj.) 成分; 零件; [數]要素; 組分;組成的; 合成的; 構成的; 成分的;義務服務;自願去做
例句 1: Hillary herself identifies a cultural component of her difficulties.
例句 2: Polish workers will now be making component parts for Boeing 757s.
3) volunteer志願者,志願兵; [軍]義勇軍; [植]自生植物; [林]先鋒樹種自願的,志願的
例句 1: Finding a volunteer to write the computer program isn't a problem.
例句 2: Mike was a member of the local volunteer fire brigade.
4) elementary (Adj.) 基本的; 初級的; [化]元素的; 初等
例句 1: A proton is an elementary particle of matter.
例句 2: THe expressed the hope that on Monday elementary schools would be reopened.
5) fall behind 落後; 下降; 退後; 逾期(付款等)
例句 1: The City will fall behind New York this year.
例句 2: Don't fall behind now, just when you're doing so well.
6) tutor (N./V.) 家庭教師; 導師; (大專院校的)助教; 課本;當家庭教師; 任大學導師; 任課
例句 1: Liam surprised his tutors by twice failing a second year exam.
例句 2: The old man was tutoring her in the stringed instruments.
7) trade (V./N.) 貿易; 行業; <美>顧客; 買賣;交換; 經營…交易,做…的買賣; 以物易物
例句 1: The ministry had direct control over every aspect of foreign trade.
例句 2: They've completely ruined the tourist trade for the next few years.
8) mentor (N./V.) (無經驗之人的)有經驗可信賴的顧問;做…的良師;指導
例句 1: He had mentored scores of younger doctors.
例句 2: One mentor, one person can change a life forever.
9) salient (Adj./N.) 顯著的,突出的; 重要的,主要的; 跳躍的; (指角)凸出的;凸角,[建]突出部; <軍>進攻或防衛陣地的突出部分;
例句 1: Chronic fatigue is also one of the salient features of depression.
例句 2: The policy was rejected in favour of a more cautious approach.
10) paramount (Adj./N.) 最高的,至上的; 最重要的,主要的; 卓越的; 有最高權力的;最高,至上; 有最高權力的人; 元首,首長;
例句 1: Nitrogen is of paramount importance to life on earth.
例句 2: She wrote to Paramount Studios and asked if they would audition her.
11) stride (V./ N.) 大步,闊步; 步幅; 進展; 一跨(的寬度);跨;從容處理;泰然處之
例句 1: He turned abruptly and strode off down the corridor.
例句 2: Beth was struck by how Naomi took the mistake in her stride.
12) elbow (V./ N.) 肘部; 彎頭,扶手; 肘形管,彎管;用肘推搡著前進; 在拐角處轉彎
例句 1: He slipped and fell, badly bruising an elbow.
例句 2: Environmental concerns will elbow their way right to the top of the agenda.