
托福聽力測驗 -真題 (3-2)

Women ) Thank you. It's great to see so many of you interested in this series on "Survival in Outer Space." Please excuse the cameras - we're being videotaped for the local TV stations.  


Tonight I'm going to talk about the most basic aspect of survival - the space suit. When most of you imagine an astronaut, that's probably the fist thing that comes to mind, right? Well, without spaces suits, it would not be possible for us to survive in space. For example, outer space is a vacuum - there's no gravity or air pressure; without protection, a body would explode. What's more, we'd cook in the sun or freeze in the shade - with temperatures ranging from a toasty 300 degrees above to a cool 300 degrees below zero Fahrenheit.  


The space suit that NASA has developed is truly a marvel. This photo enlargement here is a life-size image of an actual space suit worn by astronauts on the last space shuttle mission. This past is the torso - it's made of seven extremely durable layers. This thick insulation protects against temperature extremes and radiation. Next is what they call a "bladder" of oxygen - that's an inflatable sac, filled with oxygen, to simulate atmospheric pressure. This bladder presses against the body with the same force as the Earth's atmosphere at sea level. The innermost layers provide liquid cooling and ventilation. Despite all the layers, the suit is flexible, allowing free movement so we can work.  


Another really sophisticated part of the space suit is the helmet. I brought one along to show you. Can I have a volunteer come and demonstrate?


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1)     aspect (N.) 方面; 面貌; 方位,方向; 形勢

例句 1: The snowy street, like the church, assumed a dumb, lifeless aspect.

例句 2: Restraint is the most tangible aspect to these records.


2)     survival (N.) 倖存,生存; 倖存者; 遺物; 遺風

例句 1: An animal's sense of smell is still crucial to its survival.

例句 2: Ask for the free booklet 'Debt: a Survival Guide'.


3)     astronaut (N.) 宇航員; 太空人; 太空人

例句 1: It resembles a backpack and provides the astronaut with oxygen.

例句 2: So how did a mild-mannered planetary scientist become an astronaut?


4)     vacuum (N./V.) 真空; 空白; 空虛; 清潔;封閉狀態中;與外界隔絕

例句 1: We lived in a vacuum — no life, no news, no books.

例句 2: His presence should fill the power vacuum which has been developing over the past few days.


5)     marvel (N./V.) 奇跡; 令人驚奇的事物(或事例);驚奇,對…感到驚奇

例句 1: A new technological marvel was invented at Cambridge University in England, the scanning electron microscope.

例句 2: But this ain't no Marvel Comics What if?

The chest X - rays showed moderate enlargement of the heart.


6)      enlargement (N.) 放大; 放大物; 放大的照片

例句 1: There is insufficient space for enlargement of the buildings.

例句 2: The chest X - rays showed moderate enlargement of the heart.


7)      shuttle  (N./V.) (織機的)梭子; 太空梭; (縫紉機的)滑梭; 短程穿梭運行的飛機(或火車,汽車;以短程往復式運行)

例句 1: Machine parts were also being shuttled across the border without authorisation.

例句 2: How will I manage once off the shuttle bus?


8)      torso (N.) (人體的)軀幹; 軀幹雕塑像; 未完成的作品; 殘缺不全的東西

例句 1: He took off his shirt to reveal his tanned torso.

例句 2: Try repeating the experiment without showing the upper torso.


9)      durable (N./Adj.) 耐用的,耐久的; 持久的; 長期的;耐用品,耐久品

例句 1: The durable high-impact plastic case is water resistant to 100 feet.

例句 2: But now comes a test against the ever-durable Paraguayans.


10)     radiation (N.) 輻射; 放射物; 輻射狀; 分散

例句 1: If the cancer returns, radiation therapy is successful in 90 per cent of cases.

例句 2: The satellite will study energy radiation from stars.


11)     inflatable (N./Adj.) 可膨脹的,可充氣的;可充氣物品

例句 1: The children were playing on the inflatable castle.

例句 2: Lightweight aluminum portals add horizontal stability and brace the self - supporting inflatable skin.


12)     sac(動植物組織中的)囊,液囊; (US) Strategic Air Command 戰略空軍司令部的縮寫

例句 1: The lungs consist of millions of tiny air sacs.

例句 2: Amniocentesis is the removal of fluid from the amniotic sac.


13)     simulate (V./Adj.) 假裝,冒充; 模仿; 模擬; [生]擬態;模仿的; 假裝的

例句 1: Cars are tested to see how much damage they suffer in simulated crashes.

例句 2: Smoke was used to simulate steam coming from a smashed radiator.


14)     atmospheric (Adj.) 大氣的; 大氣引起的; 有…氣氛的

例句 1: One of the most atmospheric corners of Prague is the old Jewish ghetto.

例句 2: The director employs sensuous, atmospheric camerawork and deft dramatic touches.


15)     innermost (Adj.) 最深處的; 隱私的,最隱秘的

例句 1: She put the receipt into the innermost pocket of her bag.

例句 2: She never abandoned her attempts to plumb my innermost emotions.


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