
托福聽力測驗 -真題 (4-1)

這個托福聽力內容主要是在探討一項研究有關假設寶寶在五個月大左右就可能有數數的能力的相關內容,就這個部分的內容不難理解,主要是針對這個內容並且就問題產生答案。就好比在文章最後,如果寶寶真的在天生就具有這樣的才能,是否應該早期就教育寶寶來發展他們這樣的才能呢?是否會因此增加寶寶的壓力呢?好比是否衍生有關提早寶寶的認知學習? 寶寶的腦部發展是否與這個研究內容相關等等的? 


( Women ) 


  In our lab today, we'll be testing the hypothesis that babies can count as early as five months of age. The six babies here are all less than six months old. You'll be watching them on closed-circuit TV and measuring their responses.  


  The experiment is based on the well-established observation that babies stare longer if they don't see what they expect to see. First, we're going to let two dolls move slowly in front of the babies. The babies will see the two dolls disappear behind a screen. Your job is to record, in seconds, how long the babies stare at the dolls when the screen is removed.  


  In the next stage, two dolls will again move in front of the babies and disappear. But then a third doll will follow. When the screen is removed, the babies will only see two dolls. If we're right, the babies will now stare longer because they expect three dolls but only see two.   It seems remarkable to think that such young children can count. My own research has convinced me that they have this ability from birth. But whether they do or not, perhaps we should raise another question --- should we take advantage of this ability by teaching children mathematics at such a young age? They have great untapped potential, but is it good for parents to pressure young children?


baby count- toefl.jpg





1)    hypothesis (N.) 假設,假說; [邏]前提

例句 1: Different hypotheses have been put forward to explain why these foods are more likely to cause problems.

例句 2: The theory is based on the hypothesis that all men are born equal.


2)    closed-circuit TV 閉路電視


3)    well-established (Adj.) 已為大家接受的;信譽卓著的;生了根的;根深蒂固的


4)    stare at 凝視


5)    convince (V.) 使相信,說服,使承認; 使明白; 使確信; 使悔悟,使認錯



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