The Origins Of Cetaceans 鯨類動物起源 解答 (3)
(8) :4
理由: This is an inference question asking for a conclusion that can be drawn from the entire passage. Choice 4 is the best answer based on the last sentence of paragraph 4, which describes Basilosaurus as a fully marine whale. That implies that everything it did, including breeding and giving birth could have been done only in marine environment.
(9) :2
理由: This is an Inference question asking for a conclusion that can be drawn form the passage. Paragraph 5 explains that this discovery provided important information to scientists that they might not have been able to obtain without it. Therefore, you can infer that the discovery was a “lucky” one. The passage offers no support for the other choices. Therefore, choice 2 is the best answer.
(10) :3
理由:This is a Sentence Simplification question. As with all of these items, a single sentence in the passage is highlighted:
The structure of the backbone shows, however, that Ambulocetus swam like modern whales by moving the rear portion of its body up and down, even though a fluke was missing.
Choice 3 is the best answer because it contains all of the essential information in the highlighted sentence.
Choice 1 is not true because Ambulocetus did have a backbone. Choice 2 is not true because the sentence says that the backbone showed how the Ambulocetus swam, not that it was missing a fluke. Choice 4 is untrue because the sentence states that Ambulocetus and modern whales swam in the same way.
(11) :4
理由:This is a Vocabulary question. The word being tested is propulsion. It is highlighted in the passage. Choice 4, “moving forward” is the best answer because it means the action of propelling. The whale in the sentence used its hind legs to push itself forward in the water.
(12) :2
理由:This is an Insert Text question. You can see the four black squares in paragraph 1 and 2 that represent the possible answer choices here
■ How was the gap between a walking mammal and a seimming whale bridged? ■ Missing until recently were fossils clearly intermediate, or transitional, between land mammals and cetaceans. ■ Very exciting discoveries have finally allowed scientists to reconstruct the most likely origins id cetaceans. ■ In 1979, a team looking for fossils in northern Pakistan found what proved to be the oldest fossil whale.
The sentence provided is “ This is a question that has puzzled scientists for ages.” The best place to insert it is at square 2. The sentence that precedes square 2 is in the form of a rhetorical question and the inserted sentence explicitly provides a response to it. None of the other sentences preceding squares is a question, so the inserted sentence cannot logically follow any one of them.
(13-14) :1,2,5