1. Even thought :儘管、雖然
( even though連接的子句,是描述已經發生的事,或者已經存在的狀況 ,所以連接的子句內容往往為真實的,主要用於引出不利於主劇情況的信息。) Even 本身不是連結詞。
例句 1: It was a complete surprise to me, I wasn't expecting and hadn't even thought of it.
例句 2: Briefly, I even thought the cooking was interesting.
* Even if :即使
(Even if 連接的子句往往是架設性的,也就是尚未發生的事或者一般會出現的情況,也就是儘管可能出現某些狀況,亦不會改變某人的行為或某些事發生)
例句 1: Even if the amendment is passed it can be defeated judicially
例句 2: Even if you hadn't noticed that you were.
2. treat (N.):
(A) a special and enjoyable occasion or experience
例句 1: We're going to Italy for the weekend - it's my birthday treat.
例句 2: As a special treat, I'll take you to my favourite restaurant.
(B) an occasion when I, you, etc. buy or pay for something for another person
例句 1: Lettie had never yet failed to return from town without some special treat for him.
例句 2: She was cooking fish as a treat
treat (V.):
A. to behave towards someone or deal with something in a particular way
例句 1: My parents treated us all the same when we were kids.
例句 2: It's wrong to treat animals as if they had no feelings.
B. to use drugs, exercises, etc. to cure a person of adisease or heal an injury
例句 1: He is being treated for a rare skin disease.
例句 2: The hospital treated forty cases of malaria last year.
C. to buy or pay for something for another person
例句 1: Put your money away - I'm going to treat you (to this).
例句 2: I'm going to treat myself to (= buy for myself) a new pair of sandals.
D. to put a special substance on material such as wood,cloth, metal, etc. or put it through a special process, inorder to protect it from damage or decay
例句 1: The material has been treated with resin to make it waterproof.
例句 2: It was many years before the city began to treat its sewage.
3. in relation to (sth) = in connection with (sth) 關於、涉及
例句 1: Thus, they appear in relation to sub-atomic arrangements.
例句 2: The money he'd been ordered to pay was minimal in relation to his salary.
4. remain (V.):
A. to stay in the same place or in the same condition
例句 1: From time to time, James remained at home with his family.
例句 2: Most commentators expect the basic rate of tax to remain at 25 percent.
B. to continue to exist when other parts or other things no longer exist
例句 1: After the flood, nothing remained of the village.
例句 2: Huge amounts of weapons remain to be collected.
5. relatively(Adv):quite good, bad, etc. in comparison with othersimilar things or with what you expecta member of your family
例句 1: I like to think I'm relatively easy to get along with.
例句 2: He's a relatively good squash player.
6. constant (N.): a particular number or amount that never changes
例句 : Two significant constants have been found in a number of research studies.
constant (Adj.):
A. happening a lot or all the time
例句 1: There was constant jeering and interruption from the floor.
例句 2: He's in constant trouble with the police.
B. staying the same, or not getting less or more
例句 1: The fridge keeps food at a constant temperature.
例句 2: The average speed of the winds remained constant.
C. A constant companion or friend who is loyal to you.
7.exaggeration (N.): the fact of making something seem larger, moreimportant, better, or worse than it really is
例句 1: The dress exaggerates her wasp waist and enlarges her bosom.
例句 2: It would be no exaggeration to say that her work has saved lives.