
 TED 你到底是誰?人格特質的謎團(5) (英文演講稿) 

演講者 Brian Little博士


(10:32) Tom rolled his eyes and he said, "Brian, that's what I said: he's an asshole!"



(10:44) Now, as an introvert, I might gently allude to certain "assholic" qualities in this man's behavior, but I'm not going to lunge for the a-word. 



(10:58) But the extrovert says, "If he walks like one, if he talks like one, I call him one." And we go past each other.



(11:04) Now is this something that we should be heedful of? Of course. It's  important that we know this. Is that all we are? Are we just a bunch of traits? No, we're not. Remember, you're like some other people and like no other person. How about that idiosyncratic you? As Elizabeth or as George, you may share your extroversion or your neuroticism. But are there some distinctively Elizabethan features of your behavior, or Georgian of yours, that make us understand you better than just a bunch of traits? That make us love you? Not just because you're a certain type of person.



(11:54) I'm uncomfortable putting people in pigeonholes. I don't even think pigeons belong in pigeonholes. So what is it that makes us different? It's the doings that we have in our life -- the personal projects. You have a personal project right now, but nobody may know it here. It relates to your kid -- you've been back three times to the hospital, and they still don't know what's wrong. Or it could be your mom. And you'd been acting out of character. These are freetraits. You're very agreeable, but you act disagreeably in order to break down those barriers of administrative torpor in the hospital, to get something for your mom or your child.

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