目前分類:托福聽力準備 (37)

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托福聽力測驗 -真題 (4-3)

Man )    Now that we've all introduced ourselves to the new members, let's get down to work. As the committee in charge of this year's tree-planting project, we have several items on our agenda. First, we have to review the budget. The president has informed me that the trustees have set aside $3,000 for the purchase of trees... and our environmental T-shirt sale netted a profit of $1,500. Second, we have to finalize the choice of trees. As you know, we're working with Richardson's Nursery again this year since everyone seemed pleased with the work he did for us last year. Mr. Richardson has presented us with several choices within our price range that he thinks would meet our needs. He's sent us pictures of the trees for us to look at, but he wanted me to tell you that we're welcome to visit the nursery if we want to see the trees themselves. Lastly, we need to plan some kind of ceremony to commemorate the planting. Several ideas, including a garden party of some sort, have been suggested. So let's get on with it and turn to the first order of business.


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托福聽力測驗 -真題 (4-2)

這篇托福聽力內容比較困難一點,提及到的有三個關鍵事項: Monticello、Thomas Jefferson 和Palladio's principles,但是內容主要是關於Thomas Jefferson這位美國第三任總統,因此在涉獵托福的相關知識,美國本身的歷史不可忽略,因為托福的考試內容主要還是在美國當地大學或研究所可能會上課的內容為基本內容。


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托福聽力測驗  數學(Mathematics)相關單字

1.mathematics (N.) 數學


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托福聽力測驗  物理學(Physics)相關單字

1. physics (N.) 物理學


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托福聽力測驗  化學(Chemistry)相關單字

1. chemical property 化學特性,化學性質


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托福聽力測驗  政治學(Political Science)相關單字

1) constitution (N.) 憲法;章程;體格;構成;結構;構造


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托福聽力測驗  文學(Literature)相關單字

1) Literature (N.) 文學;(尤指有傳世價值的)文學作品; 文獻 ; (公司的)宣傳資料


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托福聽力測驗  醫學(Medicine)相關單字(1) 

1) lifespan  (N.) : 壽命 可持續年限;有效期    


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托福聽力測驗  醫學(Medicine)相關單字(1) 

1) microbe (N.) :微生物;(尤指致病的)細菌 ( a very small living thing, especially one that causes disease, that can only be seen with a microscope )


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托福聽力測驗 藝術(Art)相關單字

1) Genre (N. / Adj.) (尤指藝術的)風格; (尤指藝術的)風格

2) Perform (V.) 進行;施行;表演


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托福聽力測驗 -真題 (4-1)

這個托福聽力內容主要是在探討一項研究有關假設寶寶在五個月大左右就可能有數數的能力的相關內容,就這個部分的內容不難理解,主要是針對這個內容並且就問題產生答案。就好比在文章最後,如果寶寶真的在天生就具有這樣的才能,是否應該早期就教育寶寶來發展他們這樣的才能呢?是否會因此增加寶寶的壓力呢?好比是否衍生有關提早寶寶的認知學習? 寶寶的腦部發展是否與這個研究內容相關等等的? 


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托福聽力測驗 -真題 (3-3)

Women )     Good evening. My name is Pam Jones, and on behalf of the Modern Dance club, I'd like to welcome you to tonight's program. The club is pleased to present the TV version of The Catherine Wheel, Twyla Tharp's rock ballet. This video version of the ballet has been even more successful with audiences than the original theater production ---- it includes some animation, slow motion, and stop-action freezes that really help the audience understand the dance.  


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托福聽力測驗 -真題 (3-2)

Women ) Thank you. It's great to see so many of you interested in this series on "Survival in Outer Space." Please excuse the cameras - we're being videotaped for the local TV stations.  


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托福聽力測驗 -真題 (3-1)



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托福聽力測驗 -真題 (2-1)

Man )  Located at the NASA Research Center in Iowa is a 5,000-gallon vat of water, and inside the tank is an underwater treadmill designed by Dava Newman, an aerospace engineer. For four years Newman observed scuba divers as they simulated walking on the Moon and on Mars on her underwater moving belt. She wanted to discover how the gravity of the Moon and of Mars would affect human movement.   To do this, Newman attached weights to the divers and then lowered them into the tank and onto the treadmill. These weights were carefully adjusted so that the divers could experience underwater the gravity of the Moon and of Mars as they walked on the treadmill. Newman concluded that walking on Mars will probably be easier than walking on the Moon. The Moon has less gravity than Mars does, so at lunar gravity, the divers struggled to keep their balance and walked awkwardly. But at Martian gravity, the divers had greater traction and stability and could easily adjust to a pace of 1.5 miles per hour. As Newman gradually increased the speed of the treadmill, the divers took longer, graceful strides until they comfortably settled into an even quicker pace. Newman also noted that at Martian gravity, the divers needed less oxygen.   The data Newman collected will help in the future design of Martian space suits. Compared to lunar space suits, Martian space suits will require smaller air tanks; and, to allow for freer movement, the elbow and knee areas of the space suits will also be altered. 


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托福聽力測驗 -真題 (2-2)

( Women ) 


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托福聽力測驗 -真題 (2-1)


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托福聽力測驗 -真題 (1)

Narrator - Listen to part of a lecture in a Business Class  


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Socrates 蘇格拉底

1) Plato 柏拉圖



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托福聽力測驗 地質學(Geography)相關單字(2)

1) lower reaches 下游

2) tributary (N.) 支流


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